
Faith - an Assurance and Conviction by Reverend Pat Williams

Faith -  an Assurance and Conviction by Reverend Pat Williams Hebrews 11 1 says faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the evidence or conviction of things not seen.
Believers often ask well if i see things happening in my life does that mean I'm not walking by faith or does god expect me to have blind faith. The answer to both those questions is a resounding no.
God wants and he expects you to see his life in action happening in your life. Why? Number 1
Its going to encourage you.
Number 2
it provides a testimony so when you enter those seasons and times where you cant see or figure out whats going on you can stand with rooted assurance and firm confidence on that foundation that God is gonna provide in your present and in your future as he did in your past and that should give you great reason to rejoice to have encouragement to hope that you can restore any roar in any season regardless of what you see or what u don't see


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