This video is for any woman who has ever stared at her phone, waiting for a man to text her back. I’m going to tell you what to do instead to get things back on track and make sure that he responds to you going forward.
Hi I’m Brad Browning, relationship coach and your host for this latest LoveLearnings TV video.
First off, we need to establish the severity of the problem. Namely, when is it normal for a guy to not text back and when should you be worried?
So… how long has it been since this guy texted you back?
If it’s less than 72 hours, I say don’t give it another thought. This may come across as rude or feel inconsiderate but the truth is that people have different relationships with texting. A man can reasonably not respond to your message for a couple days without it having anything to do with how he feels about you or whether or not he’s a good guy. Unfortunately text etiquette is something that’s not set in stone just yet so he might not even realize that you think his responses are taking a long time.
Another important factor is his relationship with his phone. Think about it the next time you’re together. Is he always on his phone, texting other people? If he can’t do the same for you then that’s a bad sign for the future of your relationship. If his phone is in the other room and he’s focused intently on spending time with you, then this is a sign that he may just not be very interested in texting and instead prefers to live in the moment. While this may be frustrating when you two are apart, I’m sure you can see how this is an attractive quality in a partner in the long run.
Now you’ve established that this is a problem, you’ll want to find out exactly why he won’t text you back.
There are only three reasons why a man will stop responding to your texts and each one has its own specific remedy: One...he’s busy…. two… he doesn’t know what to say….and three….he’s losing interest
Scenario #2: He doesn’t know what to say
This one is more common than you think. Texting is a specific skill and not everyone has it. Even if you really click in person, texting can still be like pulling teeth. If you’re struggling to think of something to say to him, don’t be surprised if he feels the same way.
Scenario #3 He’s losing interest
This is the one women worry about the most… Rest assured that the other two scenarios are much more common in my experience.
Don’t play games
Many women get angry or scared when a man doesn’t text them back in a reasonable time. When he finally does get in touch, they decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. I need to tell you that one-word answers and waiting 24 hours to respond to his messages, isn’t going to help the situation. There are only three possible results of this… One, he gets the sense that you’re not interested and so he pulls away… Two, he can tell you’re upset at him and you’re trying to punish him… which is just going to make him want to text you even less. Three… He thinks that only responding to a text every 48 hours is fine with you and so he gives you exactly what he thinks you want… less texting.
2. Don’t Panic…. Remember, you can’t force him to text you. You can only control how you react to it. Trust your own worth and trust that he’s interested in you. If he’s not, then focusing on it is only going to make you nervous and drive him further away. Act like you’re the hottest girl in town and that you’re his to lose and he’ll be on you like white on rice.
3. Don’t make assumptions…. Again, knowing why he isn’t responding to your texts is the most important thing here. And at this stage, you really can’t know for sure what’s going through his head. Assume that he’s busy and that you two will reconnect when you both have time to talk. There’s no point in aggressively pushing things forward at this stage. Taking things slow is always the best way to build something real and even if he is being inconsiderate, this extra time will let you take your time getting to know one another rather than jumping into a relationship too quickly.
So what’s next? If you’ve sent him multiple texts with no response, the only thing to do now is STOP WAITING. This doesn’t mean that you should show up to his house with a meat cleaver, or even reach out to him. It just means to change your focus. If you keep sitting there “waiting on a text from him” then every moment that passes is going to make you more upset. Instead, go out and live your life. Remember what you were doing before the two of you even met? That’s a great place to start. And when he does finally respond it will be a nice surprise rather than an overdue message that will only make you wonder where the hell he’s been the whole time. Instead of operating from a place of FEAR or ANGER, live your life from a place of ABUNDANCE.