
The Noble Brothers Defending the Sunnah (Part 2 - Well known students connect us to the 'Ulema)

The Noble Brothers Defending the Sunnah (Part 2 - Well known students connect us to the 'Ulema) This is clear evidence that the Sa'afiqah are just that, Sa'afiqah. There is a widespread perception that they are students of knowledge connecting the people to the 'Ulema. They are neither. They aren't and never were interested in connecting the people to the 'Ulema, the only thing they were interested in is control.

We will examine 2 emails where the clearly had opportunities to connect with Scholars, but opted out. Why? I say control. If they don't have it they don't want it. And if they see someone else controlling it, they will sabotage it.


Shaikh Saalim Taweel tells his story and what he observed in Birmingham including temporary marriages and extreme behaviour.

Shamsi's teachers

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