Top 10 Concerns On The Top Of Our Mind And The Solution. I was reading an article yesterday about the top 10 things that people are concerned about in their life....
Here they are from 10 to 1....
- Find inner peace...
- Improve career, job situation....
- Eliminate negative & be positive...
- Find & Live your passion....
- Being happy...
- Find & improve a relationship...
- Improve ability to focus clearly...
- Develop mindset of personal growth...
- Increase self esteem / self-Confidence...
- Improve your money situation....
These are the top 10 that are at the fore front of people's minds on a daily basis....
Do any of them resonate with you and have you been able to eliminate some of them from your list of concerns?....
Look at the list, do you notice something?...
What's the one thing we could work on that would start to address every item on this list?...
What is the solution that we can apply to clear some of the items from this list, if not, clear this list completely?...
That's right, OURSELVES....
The cause of everything on this list is inside of OURSELVES, and that's exactly where the solution is as well...
When we learn, educate ourselves, increase our knowledge and awareness, on these topics, these challenges will disappear....
Life and our results are a reflection of who we are, our knowledge, what we are doing, how we are communicating, how we are showing up in life....
Even the highest concern to improve my money situation is not about a lack of money but a lack of skill and ability to add value....
When was the last time you attended a workshop or training, read a book on building your skill, did some home study, educating yourself on a daily basis?....
Many of us will complain about all our problems and refuse to make the decision, take the action to work on ourselves to have a wonderful life, a happy life, an abundant life...
What will you do?...
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