
According To The Zodiac This Is What You Are Nervous About: Part 2

According To The Zodiac This Is What You Are Nervous About: Part 2 Welcome back to 2nd part of this video where we’ll tell you the nervous habit you have according to your Zodiac.

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#Zodiac #ZodiacSigns #NervousHabits


1. Libra: Cracking Jokes - 00:45
2. Scorpio: Pulling Away - 01:38
3. Sagittarius: Staying All Alone - 02:45
4. Capricorn: Overworking or Not Working - 03:35
5. Aquarius: Thinking Too Much - 04:26
6. Pisces: Daydreaming - 05:09


Libra: Cracking Jokes: The way you deal with stress is to think about something that makes you feel better, like cracking a joke. Joking about these kinds of situations helps you relax. You are well aware of your tendency to start over-thinking so instead of doing that you like to laugh it off.

Scorpio: Pulling Away: You are very protective of your inner peace. The moment you smell something remotely emotionally toxic, you tend to pull away. Your Zodiac just makes you feel things a little extra. In order to avoid unwanted situations or encounters, you might cancel plans or just ghost.

Sagittarius: Staying All Alone: Your nervous habit to very similar to that of Scorpio. You don’t pull away because you wanna save yourself from any emotional harm. The reason you have is different. You just inherently love your personal space. Spending time on your own in your favourite café might be your best stress buster. Solo trips are the ways you enjoy some personal time.

Capricorn: Overworking or Not Working: It’s a 2-way street for you. When you feel nervous, you either end up working too much or not enough. Some Capricorns like to take every project they can in order to keep themselves busy. Picking up extra shifts just so you have no mental space for thinking about the stuff that’s stressing you out.

Aquarius: Thinking Too Much: Stopping the wheel of overthinking is kinda difficult for you. You think about situations over and over again until they magnify like 100 times. In the end, you might even find yourself stressing over a point which wasn’t the primary concern at all.

Pisces: Daydreaming: Why worry about what’s happening here on earth when you can simply escape in your imaginary land with no stress. Even though it might sound like an unhealthy way of running away from reality, it actually isn’t that bad.

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Bestie,Bestie Videos,Zodiac,Zodiac Signs,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces,Astrology,Horoscope,Nervous Habits,astrology,zodiac sign,the zodiac signs,sun signs,astrological sign,habits,nervous,bad habits,nail biting,social anxiety,symptoms of anxiety,productive,productivity,productivity tips,horoscope,horoscopes,According To The Zodiac This Is What You Are Nervous About: Part 2,

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