
Pointers for Hayasuburi by Sakamoto Takashi

Pointers for Hayasuburi by Sakamoto Takashi In 2019 from August 2 (Fri) to August 4 (Sun) the annual Amsterdam Kendo Summer Seminar was held. In this report, the contents of the seminar will be presented in text and video.
If you participated in the seminar, please remember to incorporate it into your regular practice.

Sakamoto Takashi 7th dan
All Japan Student Team Championships 1st
All Japan Student Championships Individual 3rd
All Japan Championships best 8
All Japan Teachers Championships 1st

[Pointers for Hayasuburi]

Similar to other types of suburi, swing up large and use your shoulder blades. Keep in mind Furigoko (不離五向) as previously explained.

In shiai, explosive strength and speed are very important. To increase it, haya suburi is very effective. For example, you can do 5 sets of 30 swings. When doing this, make sure you are using your entire body and swing large with all your ability.

When doing suburi, keep in mind Furigoko (不離五向). This means to point the following 5 things at your opponent at all time:

1: Eyes, observe your opponent.
2: Feet, make sure your toes are pointing towards your opponent.
3: Sword, make sure your sword tip is directed towards your opponent.
4: Belly button, your waist area should face your opponent
5: Soul, always direct your attention to your opponent with all your ability

Best 8 Bokken and Shinai for Suburi

kendo,剣道,sakamoto takashi,suburi,素振り,早素振り,hayasuburi,

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