
Why Teachers Quit-That Classroom

Why Teachers Quit-That Classroom Last year more teachers left teaching than ever before. This continues to be a problem especially with teachers in their first three years. Novice teachers have more liability than ever before. What are the causes of this huge burden of liability? Mainly Federal and State laws. Lets look at some of the things teachers are responsible for in class that they have have documentation and meetings for on a daily basis. These include Special Education and 504 students.

Nichols Empire,Retirement,administrator,teacher,teaching,why I quit teaching,why teachers quit,leaving teaching,professional ecuators,retention,attrition,new teachers,novice teachers,pressure,stress,wasted time,Richard Ingersoll,You can quit teaching,curriculum,administrators,testing,data,data analysis,overworked,underpaid,pre-planning,teacher planning,lesson planning,liability,Special education,504,civil rights,minorities,IEP's,

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