The more experience you have the more readily you'll be able to learn about C and C++.
But even if you are a relative novice, you should still be able to follow along.
Either way you should be patient with yourself and take your time.
C and C++ are not scripting languages and while they have simple syntax that may
even look familiar, seemingly small errors may seem overwhelming at first.
Remember, computers are very picky about spelling and punctuation.
A parenthesis and a bracket may look similar on your screen but they mean
entirely different things to the computer.
Because this course uses C and C++ you'll need a development environment capable
of compiling and running console applications written in the latest standard
versions of C and C++.
If you do not have a development environment available, instructions are
included in this course for installing the Eclipse C Development Tools for that purpose.
As with all software development, you'll want to do the exercise files for this
course on a system dedicated for this purpose.
C and C++ are systems languages, and it is possible even easy to mistakenly
write a program that takes up all the resources on your system or crashes it entirely.
You'll need to know how to find and correct problems on your system and have the
time and freedom to do so without losing critical resources.
Above all you'll need some patience.
Programming can be a frustrating pursuit at times and with the compiled systems
language like C or C++, it can be even more so.
Take your time, type carefully, and when you inevitably make mistakes,
patiently analyze those mistakes so that you can recognize them when they
inevitably appear again.
This kind of experience is invaluable and will serve you well for the long term.
Now let's go, have some fun learning C and C++.