I cover physically flirting with girls during daytime approaches and reflect on how crazy the world is, that the West seems to think that if a guy so much as touches a girl he should be banged up in jail! Since women never initiate and men have to, what on earth is the end game? I cover 6 or 7 ways to flirt physically and in a calibrated way.
My new book "52 First Dates Volume I Parts 1-6" is now available on amazon:
My books and other materials can be found on my website: ► www.streetstories.co.uk
52 First Dates takes a look at the daytime dating & seduction scene ("daygame") from the perspective of the dates themselves, rather than the street approach, in which Alex Forrest goes on 52 first dates in order to sharpen his dating skills and find a partner. Nearly all the dates were generated from approaching girls in the daytime (street, shopping centres and coffee shops etc.).
Buy the book and read the detailed stories and learning points of each individual date: "Fifty Two First Dates" - a 12 Part Series for $ 0.99 each on Amazon kindle. Here is Part 1:
You can subscribe here and get the Part 1 Ebook for free:
To learn more about the art of approaching women in the daytime read my first book and Daygame Memoir, "Too, Late Mate?" available at www.lulu.com and www.streetstories.co.uk. The book tells the true story of a singleton and relationship virgin who spent most of his adult life bewildered, struggling to figure out where he was going wrong with women and wondering where he had misplaced his sex life...
You can buy it here:
Or email for the first 25 pages for free:
Here is a review:
By W A Feb 28, 2018
I loved this book!! One of the few books on pickup I've ever read cover-to-cover. Regardless of whether you're into pickup or not ("PUA"), this is an engaging, come-from-behind hero tale-- told autobiographically. Mr. Forrest's humanity comes through in a very self-effacing way, as he struggles with the ups-and-downs of learning "game" later in his life. His maturity and self-doubt on the subject stand in sharp relief to the swagger of many PUAs whose youth and brashness consume most of the oxygen on this subject. It's a bit interesting that Mr. Forrest espoused filmmaking interests in this book because it actually has all of the essential storytelling elements of the classic "Hero's Journey" outlined by Joseph Campbell/Christopher Vogler (would make an interesting movie, imo). One of the inherent dangers of books on this subject of seducing women is that a thorough read potentially lulls its male followers into becoming bloviating keyboard theorists, not men of action, as notions delude us into thinking that knowledge somehow supplants or equates to experience. The reason that I strongly gravitate to the work of authors/YT'ers like Alex Forrest (and his impish, gamesome compadre Tom Torero) is that they have a way of inspiring me to confront my fears and approach women in my daily life. And for those gents in their 40's or maybe more, with natural fears about aging and the what-if's of it all, this book addresses this older niche that has heretofore been all but ignored. Bravo, Mr. Forrest, bravo!
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