
Evolving a Pragmatic, Clean Architecture A Craftsman's Guide by Victor Rentea

Evolving a Pragmatic, Clean Architecture   A Craftsman's Guide by Victor Rentea Are you in a mood for a brainstorm? Join this critical review of the major decisions taken in a typical enterprise application architecture and learn to balance pragmatism with your design goals. Find out how to do just-in-time design to keep as many use-cases as simple as possible.

The core purpose of this presentation is to learn to strike a **balance between pragmatism and maintainability** in your design. Without continuous refactoring, a simple design will inevitably degenerate into a Big Ball of Mud, under the assault of the new features and bugfixes.

On the other hand, the very highly-factored code can burden the take-off of the development and end up freezing the mindset in some rigid upfront design.

The end goal of this talk is to challenge you to rethink critically the architecture of your systems and seek ways to simplify it to match your actual needs, with a pragmatic mindset. "Architecture is the art of postponing decisions", said Uncle Bob.

This talk takes this idea further and explains an optimal mindset about designing enterprise applications: Evolving (Continuously Refactoring) a Pragmatic (Simple), Clean (aka Onion) Architecture, aiming to provide Developer Safety™️ and Comfort™️.

It’s the philosophy that Victor distilled over the past 5 years, designing and implementing 9 applications as IBM Lead Architect, and delivering training and advises to many other companies.

You’ll learn how to break data into pieces (Fit Entities, Value Objects, Data Transfer Objects), how to keep the logic simple (Facades, Domain Services, logic extraction patterns, Mappers, AOP), layering to enforce boundaries (keeping DTOs out of your logic, Dependency Inversion Principle), and many more, all in a dynamic, interactive and extremely entertaining session.

Victor is a Java Champion, and one of the top Technical Trainers in Bucharest, having trained by now more than 1.5K developers in 30+ companies throughout Europe. He is Lead Architect at IBM, practicing Pair Programming and Refactoring every day. Victor regularly speaks at top international conferences: his live-coding sessions are insane, lightning-fast but well crafted, full of enthusiasm, deep insights and take-away tips. Every month, Victor holds a community meetup, in any city he travels for classes. In Bucharest, after organizing the largest 4 JUG meetups in history, Victor started the Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community in which he runs regularly free coding webinars (for now, spoken in Romanian). His personal commitment is to seed passion for writing clean, professional code. You can find Victor on Twitter (@victorrentea), LinkedIN or Facebook, or check out


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