
Fulfilling Our Obligations to All Men Based on Love, Part 2 (Romans 12:9-21) - Dr Hobart E Freeman

Fulfilling Our Obligations to All Men Based on Love, Part 2 (Romans 12:9-21) - Dr Hobart E Freeman One important matter when you listen to these cassette tapes. These tapes were spoken to a mature church that has been growing in faith for many years. The place God wants to bring us to is total depending on Jesus for all our needs physical financial spiritual etc. It takes time for this growing to take place and there is a danger in telling people to stop talking all medicine or seeking medical advice when they are not sufficiently instructioned in God's word and how to meet conditions. As a result some have been hurt badly or even died early as they have tried and hoped for healing they were not ready to receive. He mentions this on a number of tapes but not enough as some people hear just a few messages and try the divine healing teaching then waver and doubt if circumstances get worse and end up hurting themselves and giving the message of healing from all our diseases a bad name.

Remember what Jesus said to His disciples. I have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now. There is a growth and maturing that comes with time. So as you hear more tapes keep this in mind as some things could have been presented more carefully to all people listening to make sure they understand fully especially new believers in the Lord. On the other hand he has tremendous knowledge and safe sound teaching we have found nowhere else. If something is said that needs to be explained please ask or just wait on it before the Lord as I think this could be taken the wrong way by some people.Be blessed.

One more thought I would like to share. Mr Freeman on his tapes as I listen to them again after many years gone by seems to have a real contempt disdain and rails on medical science as he points out the real dangers of doctors and medicine. Hospitals and doctors are now the third leading cause of death in the United States behind cancer and heart disease. I personally prefer to just hear the clear bold teaching of God's word and leave out the harsh criticism and let the saints of God and the Holy Spirit lead His people in deeper faith and trust in His word step by step. With this in mind you can have a true scriptural balance and grow in grace and knowledge of the word of God. As you listen to more messages see if what I am saying seems true. I have benefited tremendously from his ministry learning theology, ethics, faith, Old Testament, deeper deliverance, Greek, Hebrew and on and on from sound conservative teaching from this doctor of theology I could have only learned by going to seminary. His experience and correct doctrinal teaching is almost impossible to find elsewhere and I hesitate to recommend anyone else except Christ the Healer book. There is so much error and false teaching in Christianity and a sound teacher will help your discernment by the Holy Spirit as you test these false teachers. Jesus warned us to take heed lest any man deceive us. With all this in mind God will keep and preserve us in the truth as we study His word watch and pray listen to the checks in our hearts that the Holy Spirit gives us to discern truth from error and we can rest in His promise to keep us in the truth to the end

Thank you for letting me share my thoughts and heart with you and may the Lord preserve and keep us to the end Amen


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