
God in Ikhlas - Difference of Islam from other religions

God in Ikhlas - Difference of Islam from other religions
Many people believe the Creator or God in most of the religions is actually the same and there is no vital difference in the concept of God and we just worship this same entity in different ways.

Surah Ikhlas mentions four characteristics of God. Our main purpose of life is to worship the God. The God must have these four characteristics, which we need to verify, before considering this particular entity - worthy to be worshipped.

These four characteristics are:
He is one. The God of many religions, including the gods of Hinduism are excluded in this criteria.

He is the Eternal Refuge - which mean:
He doesn't need anyone
Every creation is in need of His help
No one can go beyond His capabilities
He has no defects at all.
The word Samad is only used here - in the entire Qur'an. This word frees Allah from association with any other entity. The gods of various religions, including Buddhism being of humanely nature, gets excluded here.

He haven't born nor did He gave birth to anyone - Jesus, the God of Christianity, losses divinity in this condition. Although he is a great and highly respected messenger according to the religion of Islam.

And there is no other equivalent to Him. So we can never compare Him with any other entity, whatsoever. He is completely incomparable.

Interestingly, Jews also believe in the same kind of creator, who has all these four characteristics. They do not believe in the primary pillar of Islam that, there is no god other than Allah, and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger. They are the followers of Musa AS but sadly they don't consider Jesus/ISA AS and Prophet Muhammad SAW as the messengers of Allah.
However, we must bear in mind that, Musa AS is also a highly respected Prophet in our religion- Islam.

Definition of God,Definition of Allah,difference in Islam,Islam Vs Christianity,Islam Vs Judaism,

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