
[Odia] Why should we not sleep with our head facing north || Creator master

[Odia] Why should we not sleep with our head facing north || Creator master A common myth is that sleeping with our head facing the north invites ghosts or death, but science has a more logical explanation for this.

Scientists have found that the human body has an electromagnetic field. As we are all aware, our planet has a magnetic pole that stretches from the north to the south, with the positive pole being at the north and the negative pole being at the south. Scientists have inferred that human electromagnetic field is also similar, with the positive pole at the head and the negative pole at the feet.

It is common knowledge that like poles repel and unlike poles attract, not only in the scientific sphere but also in the social sphere. When we lie down with our heads towards the north, the two positive sides repel, resulting in friction and contention.

The earth has a greater magnetic force, which is why those sleeping with their head towards the north tend to wake in the morning with headache or heaviness.

When we lay our heads in the southern direction, there is attraction of the unlike poles, leading to sound sleep and a feeling of being fresh in the morning, unless afflicted by some other illness.

We also know that our planet revolves from the west to the east, and sun's magnetic field enters earth from the eastern side. This magnetic force enters our head if we lie with the head towards the east, and exits via the feet, resulting in a cool head and warm feet, in keeping with the laws of magnetism and electricity. But if the head is towards the west, it has the opposite effect, with cool feet and a hot head – a very unpleasant start to the morning.

There is a significant store of iron in our blood. When we sleep with the head towards the northern direction, iron from the whole body starts migrating to the brain. This increased iron activity in the brain can cause headache, Alzheimer’s, cognitive decline, Parkinson disease, and brain degeneration also.

This makes us understand why our forefathers said that intellect improves with the head turned towards the east, we enjoy longevity with the head facing south, but there is disease and illness with the head towards the north and a dullness to the brain with the head towards the west.

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