
Saturn conjunct Pluto in 2020 | Navigating These Dark Times | Pandora Astrology

Saturn conjunct Pluto in 2020 | Navigating These Dark Times | Pandora Astrology What does it mean when Saturn, planet of limitation, discipline, structure--the Harsh Father archetype--gets together with Pluto, Lord of Death and Rebirth? The feeling is one of oppression and even cruelty. This aspect has a lot to do with power and corruption because people who have power but FEEL powerless tend to abuse that power--and under a transit like this one, that can all blow up in their faces. For those of us who are not actually in positions of power, there's one watchword: "take responsibility for things that are beyond your control."

This momentous conjunction is happening in January of 2020 and we've been feeling the ramp-up towards it. There's conflict all over our planet and we're living in an atmosphere of fear. Saturn and Pluto are why.

In this video Jamie and Julia describe the feel of this conjunction and point to historic times when Saturn-Pluto connections have brought dire circumstances. But they would never think of leaving you in a bad mind-set, so they also describe the Jupiter transit into Capricorn and why Jupiter should spend 2020 bringing light into these dark times. And when Jupiter meets up with Saturn at the end of the year (just in time for elections in the USA), we should all be ready for a little well-earned reward for wiser behavior.

Find out all about it in the video--including how to respond to it and find the good in it, especially if it's impacting your own chart strongly. Also if you like research, you can find out more about Saturn here: And Pluto here:

Want a reading so you can navigate this historic and extremely difficult transit with power and grace? You can get one with a member of our team as soon as this week:

And you'll find more good stuff like this on our Monthly Forecast page:

... and our horoscope page:

Jamie and Julia, the Pandora Astrology Team

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