Recent advances in the field of Virtual Reality(VR) using Head Mounted Display (HMD) has presented a newmedium for immersive experiences. Designing for this mediumdoes have its challenges, and designers and developers must adoptnew design processes and pipeline for creating and manipulatingvirtual spaces in VR. There have been several works of researchwithin similar fields of 3D manipulation with an HMD, butrecent technological strides demand new efforts to translate priorknowledge toward the development of new and innovative tools.In this paper, we propose the design and implementation of aweb-based authoring tool that exploits VR technology in thecreation of the virtual spaces using an immersive Collabora-tive Virtual Environment (CVE). The purpose is a multi-usercollaboration platform for the web browser adaptable to a widevariety of cases and purposes and which allows multiple anddissimilar stakeholders to create and manipulate virtual spacesin collaboration, either recreate real-world scenes or constructnew digital environments using their imagination.
Nicola Capece, Ugo Erra, Giuseppe Losasso - Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy Francesco D'Andria - Head of the Media SectorAtos Research & Innovation, Barcellona, Spain