
Non Surgical Treatment of Disc Bulge @ CB Physiotherapy | De-Compression Therapy , Dry Needling ...

Non Surgical Treatment of Disc Bulge @ CB Physiotherapy | De-Compression Therapy , Dry Needling ... Mr. Suhail (23 years)
Having from L5-S1 Disc Bulge and Leg pain
Suffering for Last 5 years
Relied mostly on Painkillers
Was suggested Surgery by Doctors, but wanted to look for alternatives.
With our Integrated Physiotherapy Approach which comprised most of
• 10 Sessions of Decompression Therapy Flexion Distraction
• 5 Sessions of other therapies like manual adjustment, Dry Needling
Pain is almost gone & Suhail is able to live pain free.

#Physiotherapy #BackPain #DiscBulge #Slipdisc #DecompressionTherapy

Physiotherapy,Back Pain,Slip Disc,Avoid Surgery,Decompression Therapy,Delhi,Bangalore,Mumbai,Ahmedabad,CBPhysiotherapy,

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