
Security around New York mosques has been bolstered by special security patrols since the attacks on

Security around New York mosques has been bolstered by special security patrols since the attacks on Security around New York mosques has been bolstered by special security patrols since the attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. These patrols became controversial in the city.

Ahead of the adhaan at Brooklyn mosques, a group of young Muslims head to the vicinity of mosques in cars resembling New York police cars.

Cars park in front of mosques waiting for worshipers to enter the mosques, and then when they leave.

The patrols were set up with volunteer money to bolster guarding around mosques and Islamic schools in New York during busy times.

Nur Rabah, one of the founders of the patrols, says it aims to deter potential aggressors. When these vehicles are in the vicinity of a mosque or school, this is a powerful deterrent thanks to emergency lights and sirens.


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