
The Way Forward: A Live Fire Exercise About the Future w| Special Guests Larry Johnson & Bill Binney

The Way Forward: A Live Fire Exercise About the Future w| Special Guests Larry Johnson & Bill Binney Tonight's call will feature former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney, former CIA and State Department Counterterrorism Analyst Larry Johnson, and LaRouchePAC's Barbara Boyd and Dennis Speed. We will review the present status of the coup against the President tonight. In an interview yesterday, Attorney General Barr said that John Durham is investigating intelligence agencies domestic and foreign and private individuals in an investigation much broader than the Horowitz report on the crimes of the DOJ. But the fruits of that investigation in the form of criminal indictments are probably months down the line. What battle fronts do we open in the meantime?

As everyone knows, the President was impeached yesterday in an event which was a sham and a shameful proceeding with far reaching consequences for the Constitution and the Republic unless we cure the sickness which led to it. The answer lies in how we think, what method of thought do we apply to the battles of this war, a battle which must be fought at the same time as we move relentlessly forward to create a better future, as the Constitution says, for ourselves and our posterity.

Join us for tonight’s discussion.

president,trump,donald trump,impeachment,russiagate,ukrainegate,quid pro quo,coup,larry johnson,bill binney,oligarchy,empire,barbara boyd,dennis speed,guccifer 2.0,hack,

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