
Trauma rehabilitation for refugees & people affected by war | Uganda & Iraq - with Julie Gaede

Trauma rehabilitation for refugees & people affected by war | Uganda & Iraq - with Julie Gaede Get ready to be INSPIRED, INFORMED, and IGNITED (=discovering a bit more of what matters to YOU), during this ONLINE & LIVE experience: The Seeds Storyteller Series with my brand-new soul sistah, Julie Christensen Gaede, co-founder of Tutapona / We will be talking about why it matters so very much to her to work with those victims of rape and mutilation, former child soldiers, sex slaves, children, refugees and anyone affected by the horrors of war.

WELCOME to the Seeds Storyteller Series, a FREE online experience that is curated and facilitated by Sarah Davison-Tracy - author, speaker, and founder of Seeds of Exchange /, a community committed to making a difference locally and globally, together, through community, storytelling, and giving.


Because I believe hope is needed and it is flourishing around the world, in neighborhoods, villages, refugee camps, and war zones. Bodies and hearts are broken. And Julie and her Tutapona team, is going into the darkest and most broken places and offering hope, healing, and fresh starts to our sisters and brothers.

During this holiday season amidst the BUSYness – pause here. Pause and take a moment to listen to stories glittering with hope and light. Pause and consider what needs healing in and around you … and how you might just be nudged to do something to be a hope-deliverer to those near to – or far from – you.


Julie is co-founder of Tutapona, an organization working in Uganda and Iraq with traumatized, war-affected individuals, walking them through a process where they receive healing and transformation through trauma rehabilitation. She shared with me that she feels privileged to live amongst and work with those who have been affected by the "worst humanitarian crises in the world," in Uganda and Northern Iraq. Julie’s faith is woven into the fabric of her life’s story and this promise, spoken by Jesus, brings her hope when she’s discouraged or when she’s serving for those who have experienced the unimaginable: “I will never leave nor forsake.”

Julie’s organization, Tutapona, is offering the trauma therapy for our sistahs of Beauty for Ashes Uganda. (Many of y’all have already given to as part of our Seeds of Exchange December Fundraiser – thank YOU!! If you want to still give, check out the donate links below.) To be sure, this connection is rich with interconnection and collaboration! =AWEsome, aye?


The Seeds Storyteller Series connects you with EVERYday changemakers from around the world: activists, visionaries, artists, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, educators … (the list is long and the ways to make change are vast!). Whether you’re interested in being INFORMED about global happenings from amazing changemaking friends of mine, looking for some INSPIRATION in your life today, or eager to be IGNITED more in your unique ways to make a difference, join us for this conversation from anywhere in the world!


1 – DONATE to our Seeds of Exchange December Fundraiser -"Heal & Thrive" which is bringing trauma therapy (thanks to Tutapona) and business training (thanks to Sarah Ray!) to single moms and widows in Uganda through Beauty for Ashes Uganda / Brandi Lea. & gofundme: | OR, FORM A TEAM on GoFundMe and help us raise funds for a special occasion or celebration ... or just because you want to! (Contact me for info or to set your team up.)

2 – CONNECT WITH, follow, and friend our team:

Julie / Tutapona: | Insta & FB: @Tutapona | Sign up for newsletter:

Sarah / Seeds of Exchange: | Facebook & Insta: @seedsofexchange | Sign up to receive stories from ‘round the world to inspire & ignite:

3 – WATCH this video about Tutapona’s work in Iraq:

4 – READ - & WATCH about Tutapona’s 40 Thousand Lights (which is now 50,000 stories!). “We share their stories to bring hope to those still held in the darkness. They share their stories to show the darkness has been overcome.”

5 – SHARE! Send this link to 5 PEOPLE that come to mind who would LOVE to hear THIS story! Let’s EXPAND this organization’s community connections, together!

xo, -Sarah Davison-Tracy - Author | Speaker | Founder, Seeds of Exchange - Making a difference locally and globally, together - Community | Storytelling | Giving



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