You don't need big budgets to create awesome effects in your films, videos, and photos. Here are SEVEN in-camera effects you can do with stuff you probably have laying around the house!
1. Custom Bokehs
2. Faux Anamorphic Lens Flares
3. Light Leaks (
4. Dreamy / Soft Scenes
5. Unsettling Shots with Lens Whacking
6. Blurred Edges / Fuzzy Vignette
7. Reflections / Refractions / Blurs
Are there any effects we missed? Let us know in the comments section below!
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in camera effects,in-camera effects,DIY anamorphic lens flare,custom bokeh shape,diy camera filters,lens whacking,lens flares,low budget camera effects,no budget filmmaking,filmmaking tips and tricks,filmmaking tips for beginners,camera techniques,best filmmaking techniques,how to,camera tricks,camera hacks,photography hacks,video hacks,video tricks,