
Daily Energy~ If You Stay Ready, You Don’t Have to Get Ready

Daily Energy~ If You Stay Ready, You Don’t Have to Get Ready WELCOME to FIFTH ELEMENT TAROT!!!
You are Spirit wrapped in flesh having a Human experience. Here at Fifth Element Tarot we work with ALL of the elements in order to co-create with God/Source/The Universe.
Air 💨 Earth 🌎 Fire 🔥 Water 💧 AND HOLY SPIRIT
I’m glad you were led to my channel. My goal is to strengthen the energetic grid, with your help, raising the Collective vibration.
I’m an Intuitive Empath with Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient abilities among others. My messages come from The Holy Spirit and are for those who need to hear them most, they are blueprints to the best outcome for ALL involved.
Wishing you Miracles and Blessings
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Numerology Standout: 193 (First 3 Cards) & 1721 (Length of Video is 17:21)
#3 CONNECTION AND COMMUNICATION specifically with the Angelic Realm.

REMEMBER, nothing is coincidental

Joanne Sacred Scribes Angel Number Meaning:
Angel Number 193 is a message to let go of any situations in your life that are no longer positively serve you. Allow the ‘old’ to leave your life and do not cling to situations out of fear. It is most important that you hold a positive viewpoint and have high expectations about yourself and your future. Your thoughts create your experiences and you create your own reality, so ask your angels to help you maintain a positive outlook. Do not allow any negative aspects to hinder or stop you. Your angels and the Ascended Masters encourage and support you, always.

Angel Number 193 is a message to follow your intuition and take heed of your insights. Your angels and the Ascended Masters are encouraging you to follow your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Feel free to call upon them whenever you wish for guidance and assistance.

Trust your angels to guide you through the doors of self-knowledge. Listen to your angel’s wisdom for confidence in your thinking and in your actions.

Number 193 relates to number 4 (1+9+3=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.

Angel Number 1721 encourages you to research and investigate things for yourself before stepping forward, and follow your own instincts and intuition as they will lead you in the right direction. All that you need to know will be revealed to you in Divine right time, so be open to cryptic signs and obvious synchronicities. When miracles and synchronicities happen in your life you know that your angels are with you. Angels help you to connect with your intuitive power where clear knowing resides. Angels don’t provide the answers, but rather, serve to illuminate the truth that is already within you.

Angel Number 1721 is a message to continue doing the spiritual, emotional and mental work you have been doing as they are having positive effects on your life. Give any doubts, fears, worries or concerns to the angels for healing and transmutation and trust that your doubts and/or concerns will be replaced with faith, self-belief and confidence. The angels encourage and support you and are with you for guidance and assistance whenever you ask for it.

Angel Number 1721 also signifies that new opportunities to expand your spirituality are right in front of you.

Number 1721 relates to the karmic Master Number 11 and Angel Number 11 on the higher plane, and number 2 and Angel Number 2 on the lower plane (1+7+2+1=11, 1+1=2).

💜💜💜HOW I READ💜💜💜

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