
MNy_046 Greater Discourse on the (Ways of) Undertaking Dhamma, I.B. Horner, (Dec 2019, Audio Texts)

MNy_046 Greater Discourse on the (Ways of) Undertaking Dhamma, I.B. Horner, (Dec 2019, Audio Texts) Audio Texts.....""For the most part, monks, beings wish like this, desire like this, intend like this: 'O may unpleasant, unenjoyable, disagreeable things dwindle away, O may pleasant, enjoyable, agreeable things grow much,' Monks, unpleasant, unenjoyable, disagreeable things grow much in those beings of such wishes, such desires, such intentions; pleasant, enjoyable, agreeable things dwindle away. As to this, what do you, monks, take to be the cause?" "Things for us, Lord, are rooted in the Lord, have the Lord for conduit, the Lord for arbiter. It were good indeed, Lord, if the meaning of this speech of the Lord's were explained; having heard the Lord, monks would remember." "Well then, monks, listen, attend carefully, I will speak." "Yes, Lord," these monks answered the Lord in assent. The Lord spoke thus:
"In this case, monks, the uninstructed average person, taking no count of the pure ones, unskilled in the Dhamma of the pure ones, untrained in the Dhamma of the pure ones, taking no count of the true men, unskilled in the Dhamma of the true men, untrained in the Dhamma of the true men, does not know what things should be followed, does not know what things should not be followed, does not know what things should be associated with, does not know what things should not be associated with. Not knowing what things should be followed, not knowing what things should not be followed, not knowing what things should be associated with, not knowing what things should not be associated with, he follows things that should not be followed, he does not follow things that should be followed, he associates with things that should not be associated with, he does not associate with things that should be associated with. While he is following things that should not be followed, not following things that should be followed, associating with things that should not be associated with, not associating with things that should be associated with, unpleasant, unenjoyable, disagreeable things grow much, pleasant, enjoyable, agreeable things dwindle away. What is the reason for this? This is so, monks, for one who is unintelligent about this.
But, monks, the instructed disciple of the pure ones, taking count of the Dhamma of the pure ones, skilled in the Dhamma of the pure ones, well trained in the Dhamma of the pure ones, taking count of the true men, skilled in the Dhamma of the true men, well trained in the Dhamma of the true men, knows what things should be followed, knows what things should not be followed, knows what things should be associated with, knows what things should not be associated with. Knowing what things should be followed, knowing what things should not be followed, knowing what things should be associated with, knowing what things should not be associated with, he follows things that should be followed, does not follow things that should not be followed, does not associate with things that should not be associated with, associates with things that should be associated with. While he is not following things that should not be followed, following things that should be followed, not associating with things that should not be associated with, associating with things that should be associated with, unpleasant, unenjoyable, disagreeable things dwindle away, pleasant, enjoyable, agreeable things grow much. What is the cause of this? This is so, monks, for one who is intelligent about this.
Monks, there are four (ways of) undertaking Dhamma. What are the four? There is, monks, the undertaking of Dhamma that is both suffering in the present as well as resulting in suffering in the future. There is, monks, the undertaking of Dhamma that is happiness in the present but results in suffering in the future. There is, monks, the undertaking of Dhamma that is suffering in the present but results in happiness in the future. There is, monks, the undertaking of Dhamma that is both happiness in the present as well as resulting in happiness in the future.
As to this, monks, that undertaking of Dhamma that is both suffering in the present as well as resulting in suffering in the future: if anyone is unintelligent about this, ignorant, he does not comprehend as it really is: 'This undertaking of Dhamma is both suffering in the present as well as resulting in suffering in the future. Unintelligent about this, ignorant, not comprehending it as it really is, he follows it, he does not avoid it. While he is following it, not avoiding it, unpleasant, unenjoyable, disagreeable things grow much, pleasant, enjoyable, agreeable things dwindle away. What is the cause of this? It is so, monks, for one who is unintelligent about this.

Majjhima Nikaya
(Middle Length Sayings)
Translated by I.B.Horner
(Maha dhamma-samadana Suttaṃ)
46. Greater Discourse on the (Ways of) Undertaking Dhamma

MNy_046_GreaterPractices_I.B.Horner_MajjhimaNikaya.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro 2019-12-31 22-51-43.mp4

Audio Texts,Trung Bo Kinh,Middle Length Discourses,Majjhima Nikaya,Thich Minh Chau,Sujato,Bhikkhu Bodhi,I.B.Horner,Kinh Tr,Chữ,Đọc,sách nói,lich tran,Buddhism Sutra,Kinh Phat,

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