
7 Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Energy and Vitality.

7 Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Energy and Vitality.

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7 Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Energy and Vitality.

Our body needs energy for us to be able to do anything and everything! Ideally, we should be getting all the essential vitamins and minerals from the food we eat. Unfortunately, given how foods are produced and processed these days, it can be nearly impossible to get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals that our body needs daily.

Take, for example, a pot of honey. If you get it directly from the beekeeper, great! All the goodness is still intact. If you buy it from the store, it has very possibly been heat-treated and that kills much of the beneficial goodness. So it will still provide 'energy' from the sugars, but little in the way of nutritional 'vitality.'

This is why taking supplements is often necessary. If our foods are too processed, it can lead to a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Therefore, if you are continually running out of energy, feeling weak and/or fatigued, it is important to know what vitamins and minerals you may be lacking in order to boost your energy production.

From a non-health and nutrition perspective, energy is a measurement of the work any particular thing can do. When applied to humans and food, this means that energy, in this sense, can be measured as the fuel contribution that each unit of food contributes. This means that the highest contributor, in terms of energy released for volume consumed, would be pure glucose, with other sugars close behind.

This is very unhelpful when it comes to talking about 'energy' the way that most of us think about 'energy,' which is feeling vital and having the power and dynamism to perform at our best, physically and mentally. Most people are aware by now that consuming sugars in all but small amounts will cause energy slumps in the short term, and major health problems long term.

The human body does not consume raw energy like a petrol-fueled machine; it is much more complex than that. For the purposes of this video is, when we talk about energy, we are talking about also feeling energetic, not only the fuel value of the food consumed.

Here are some of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to produce useful and useable energy and vitality.

CoQ10 or Co-enzyme Q10.

CoQ10 or coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that is naturally produced inside the body. CoQ10 is found in every cell in your body, protecting it from oxidative damage. Without adequate levels of CoQ10, the cells will not be able to produce energy, which then leads to fatigue. When your body cannot produce the amount of CoQ10 it needs, taking a supplement may be beneficial.

Some of the main food sources of CoQ10 are fish, meat, whole grains, and nuts.

Vitamin B12.

All B vitamins are important for the body's energy production as they help convert carbohydrates into usable energy. Vitamin B12, in particular, aids the body's transformation of food that you eat into energy that your cells will use. Vitamin B12 also helps you avoid weakness and tiredness associated with anemia by keeping your nerves and blood cells healthy.

Meat, fish, cheese, milk, and fortified cereals are some of the best sources of Vitamin B12.


Our body needs oxygen to function, and iron helps produce hemoglobin that transports oxygen throughout the body. Insufficient iron levels can lead to fatigue and difficulty in maintaining body temperature.

A few sources are meat, seafood, spinach, oats, fortified cereals, and beans.

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is popularly known to be essential for the immune system, but new research suggests that it can also help you combat fatigue. If you are an athlete or workout junkie, vitamin C raises your pain barriers and improves performance.

Good sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, papaya, parsley, red bell peppers, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.


Creatine is a fast-acting source of energy in the body, and taking supplements of this vitamin helps boost your energy stores. It speeds up muscle growth and helps fight various diseases, such as Parkinson's, diabetes, and neurological diseases.

You can find creatine in red meat, pork, fish, and poultry products

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Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. While we have ensured that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee it's accuracy. The information in the video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments , serious or otherwise seek professional medical advice and treatment.

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