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For entertainment purposes only. This does not take the place of any medical diagnosis or legal advice. Any major decisions should be consulted by a professional. This does not take the place of that.
Personal Channel for Vlogs and Adventures:
Stargirl TPW
LISTEN TO🔺RISING SIGN (Most Accurate), 🌞 SUN SIGN, or🌜MOON SIGN, to find your message.
Aries♈️ 1:53
Taurus♉️ 7:40
Gemini♊️ 12:40
Cancer♋️ 20:04
Leo♌️ 29:40
Virgo♍️ 35:38
Libra♎️ 43:14
Scorpio♏️ 49:55
Sagittarius♐️ 56:04
Capricorn♑️ 1:06:13
Aquarius♒️ 1:13:45
Pisces♓️ 1:18:47