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NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Former national security adviser John Bolton said Wednesday he was surprised that Senate Republicans rejected his offer to testify in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial. But, he said, even if he had testified it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the trial because of how House Democrats handled its investigation."I think the House committed impeachment malpractice," Bolton said at an event at Vanderbilt University with former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice. "The process drove Republicans who might have voted for impeachment away" because "it was so partisan," he said. But, he added, "my testimony would have made no difference to the ultimate outcome."All but one Senate Republican voted to acquit Trump of abusing the power of his office by pressuring Ukraine to investigate a political opponent. Rice challenged Bolton repeatedly over his decision not to testify in the House or publicly discuss what he knows about the president's Ukraine pressure campaign, particularly when officials who worked for him on the National Security Council did and have since endured Trump's wrath."I can't imagine withholding my testimony, with or without a subpoena," Rice said. "I also can't imagine frankly, in the absence of being able to provide the information directly to Congress, not having exercised my First Amendment right to speak publicly at a time when my testimony or my experience would be relevant. And frankly when my subordinates … were doing their duty and responding in a fashion consistent with their legal obligations to provide information."Rice mentioned former NSC officials Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Fiona Hill, specifically. Both have been targets of criticism from the president and his allies, and Vindman was pushed out of the NSC shortly after the Senate impeachment trial concluded."That, for me, makes it even more difficult as a former national security adviser for me to imagine not being willing to come forward," Rice said. "I would feel like I was shamefully violating the oath that I took to support and defend the constitution."Bolton noted that he offered to testify in the Senate trial and that the House did not subpoena him after Democrats learned he would seek a court ruling on the matter because the White House had told him not to testify. He wouldn't speculate about testifying before the House now if subpoenaed, because he said his lawyer has advised him not to take a position amid a national security review by the White House of his book on his time as national security adviser. Bolton also tried to deflect growing criticism that he isn't speaking out because he's simply out to sell his book about his 17 months in the Trump White House. He said he couldn't speak out now because his book — "The Room Where it Happened"— is still undergoing a prepublication national security review by the White House, and he believes Trump would have his administration sue him if he discussed its
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Bolton denies his impeachment testimony would have changed the outcome: