
Consciousness Explained: Raise Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life

Consciousness Explained: Raise Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life It’s my intention that you should live a conscious life. Coming to the seminar is not just an entertainment. It’s a matter of transforming consciousness. You should not accept a mediocre living. Then you’re not following my teaching. There is no limitation. You have to make a total commitment to remain consciousness all the day. That’s why I created planetary watch. Every hour the energy changes. And you can see what happens to you. The problem is people don’t want to do it.

I’ll tell people for another six months you’re not going to make any progress, why, because you’re not going to maintain your consciousness. You will be doing a wrong project. Now I’m busy all the time. Being busy doesn’t really matter. What you’re busy with is what matters.

If you’re busy doing wrong thing then you won’t get any results. You don’t have to be busy at all, but do the right thing. This guy was fishing I told you yesterday was fishing. I was trying to fishing in a place where there is no fish. Most of doing the same thing, fishing in a place where there is no fish. Doing a job that will not giving us what we want. Change it. How can we change it? You know you have to do some planetary remedies. That’s why astrology is very, very important. Every minute is controlled by planets.

Everyone should know at least your birth star. The major planets that are controlling you at this current time. How can you take advantage of the major planets that are ruining your health or your finances. This is a practical science.

If you’re not conscious what’s going to happen? You’re old karma, old job, old business will continue. It can continue, but unfortunately it’s not a fulfilling one that you want in most cases.
Patanjali the father of yoga took birth in order to help human beings to gain power, to gain control over their destiny.

I do not want even one single day to be out of control. I do not want even one day out of control. I want to control it. But people into unconsciousness and most of our time spent on gossips, blah blah. If there is a way that you can stop blah blah-ing, the telephone companies will lose a lot of revenue. And just watch what you’re doing every day, how much time spent on blah blah-ing. I’m not saying you should not blah blah or gossip. You can gossip but then you should put a limit or gossip two hours a day.

Time is money. It’s a divine truth. It’s not human truth. It’s divine truth. And if you kill you’re time reading big novels or watching television, you’re insulting time. You should never ever insult time. Because if you insult time you’re insulting money. Because you’re not respecting your time. Well, I have time all the time in the world because you don’t want to do anything. I’m confident that I can change this world that’s why I’m here. And I’m on schedule. I will do this not by human means.

All I want you to do in the meantime is just carry my picture wherever you go. I’ll follow you. Every picture is alive. Especially when you put a few flowers in front of the picture it will get more power. You can go anywhere confidently with the picture. It will transform your life. You will not be frustrated then.


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Meditate,Meditation,Spiritual,Inner Power,Mind Power,PillaiCenter,drpillai,vedic,yt:cc=on,higher consciousness,consciousness explained,consciousness evolution,conscious living,the practice of living consciously,living consciously,make more money,life happily,change your consciousness,consciousness,transform your life,

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