
How my translation software came about in 1998. Part 1: G. Gougenheim's dictionary has inspired me.

How my translation software came about in 1998. Part 1: G. Gougenheim's dictionary has inspired me. CONTACT:


In the summer of 1984, I bumped into a book called: Dictionnaire fondamental.

WOW! What a revelation! The dictionary contained 3000 words and it was implied that with those 3000 words you could hold a conversation in French.

What a revelation!

So I thought to myself: If I put all iinstances of those 3000 words, it would hold in what? 30 volumes.

Let's go for it!

10 years later, in 1994, after 10 years of intense research, came the Eureka moment. I'll describe that moment in part 3 of this series.

It is at this very moment that I became the only linguist in History to have come up with a system that enables anyone to speak ANY foreign language instantly.

For the record, the system did not hold in 30 volumes but in one single volume.

I am still the only one to hold that title. WOW!
In 1984, personal computers existed since 1981 with the commercialization of IBM's personal computer.

However, I learned about it in 1986 and i was hit by the bug.

This is when I started thinking of adapting my system into a translation app.

I finally did so in 1998. My app did perfect translations very similar to the Google and Microsoft neural network MT that was introduced in 2016.

Since my system worked on paper,. it was very easy to adapt it to a translation app.

Note that I adapted my system it into an INTERACTIVE translation app unlike Google and Microsoft.

My claim to fame is six-fold:

1) In 1994, I became the only linguist in History to have come up with a system that enables anyone to speak ANY foreign language instantly.

2) I am the only linguist in History who has produced a system that worked on paper and this system was adapted to a translation app.

3) I am the first linguist to have programmed an app that did translations on the whole sentence and not word for word like Google Translate and Microsoft Translator did for 14 years.

18 years later, in 2016, the neural MT did the same quality of translations as my software. So I was 16 years ahead of them back in 1998, when my app was programmed.

. In 2002, I wrote to Bill Gates, head of Microsoft. I proposed to him to put my system on;line. He did not reply. Had he done so, he would have come up to the 2016 level 14 years in advance and he could have beaten Google to boot.

4) I am the first linguist in History to have an interactive translation app programmed.

5) I am the inventor of the structural dictionary

6) I am also the inventor of an amazing concept: The sentence generator.

In a second series, I will show everyone how to build a translation app program from scratch. This could make a great assignment in programming classes all around the world.

As a result, everyone in the world who'd like to play around with a translation app and to enter bilingual data in it could do so.

Thanks for your attention!


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