
How To Create A Publishing Company That Earns Near 7-Figures Annually

How To Create A Publishing Company That Earns Near 7-Figures Annually Free book marketing resources -

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Now in my experience, there are four essential steps to creating a publishing company that will actually be super successful. The very first one is to choose a niche that can sustain you and we'll talk more about what I mean by that in just a moment and at the same time that you're passionate about.

Now the second thing that you need to do is you actually need to build a platform or a group of raving fans around that niche.

And then third, you should both create new properties that you yourself create as well as cocreate or publish other subject matter experts in that niche. And four is you're going to simply rinse and repeat steps two and three. Let's jump into this right now. In step number one, you need to actually choose a niche that will sustain you and in support you, which means by the way, that you choose a niche that has lots of passionate buyers and of course you need to be passionate about whatever it is you're selling as well. Now, how do you know that a niche that you're thinking about getting into actually has lots of buyers? Well, one telltale sign to actually look at whether there are other competitors in the niche as well. The more competitors that you have and the more outward successful they appear to be, chances are there are lots of rabid buyers in that niche.

You must also ask yourself, Hey, do I love this subject matter to why I love this niche? In fact, am I passionate about it? The thing is is that if you have both of these things that you're number one, passionate about the niche, and number two, there seems to be a lot of buyers in that niche. Fortunately, I stumbled into publishing when I wrote and then self published my very first book, this little beauty right here called speak on cruise ships, eight easy steps to a lifetime of free luxury cruises, none.

This thing actually launched my career. Now this was a book that I actually self-published and it became very successful. In fact, I cut my teeth on the whole publishing industry with this book and one of the cool things that happened is the book went on to actually earn over a quarter of $1 million. Heck, it's still making money to this very day, but I cut my teeth on the whole publishing industry with speak on cruise ships and that's actually what launched me into the whole arena of publishing, so because I learned so much about publishing and book marketing, I actually then next decided to publish a course called real fast book. Basically that encompassed my new skillset that I learned in publishing my book and making it successful. Now, here's the really cool thing is that course then went on to be even more successful selling in excess of probably $500,000 the last time I checked and it actually started my brand, my real fast brand now, that was the, the beginning of it.
The inception of the brand wasn't with the real fast book. The one thing that you could certainly model here is that as you develop new skillsets and master new things in your own book publishing business, then you could actually look back and create new courses and new materials for people that also want to do that same thing. This is a tried and trued model that actually serves me to this very day. Now here in step one, as I said, your niche must sustain you. There must be lots of buyers in the demographic, but also almost as important is you really should be passionate about it as well. The reason I say that is not every day in the publishing business is a good day. You're going to have some down days and it really, really helps you to be consistent and keep ongoing. If you really, truly love the subject matter.

That's one of the reasons why it's very important to have both a really good sustainable niche that you're actually passionate about and it makes a great hole to build a base for your publishing company. I just wanted to dive in a little further on this idea of finding a sustainable niche with a lot of buyers. So what does that actually mean? Well, it means that there is a fairly large universe of buyers that will buy it, but what's a really good way to figure that out? To figure out whether the niche that you're contemplating actually has this group of buyers, and that's when I really strongly suggest that you actually start at what I consider to be the world's best buyer search engine, otherwise known as if you were to best seller list, does your niche fit neatly under one of the broad bestseller list?
#howtostartapublishingcompany #howtoearn7figures

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