
How To Get Started With a Hauseit Assisted FSBO Listing

How To Get Started With a Hauseit Assisted FSBO Listing Save 6% When Selling in NYC:
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How do I get started with a Hauseit Assisted FSBO listing? We'll demystify this topic in the following video. My name is Chris at Hauseit. Hauseit is the largest assisted For Sale by Owner and Buyer Commission Rebate company in New York City established in 2014. Now let's get started.

As the first step go to and go to the Assisted FSBO product page. Please read the product page and the FAQ carefully. Every conceivable question has been answered in the FAQ section in length. We highly recommend you checking out all of the information before deciding to proceed or to submit your listing details as the product is not a traditional For Sale by Owner listing which is similar to a Flat Fee MLS listing where you pay a flat fee upfront and a partner broker lists your property in the local MLS and associated third-party websites.

After you have fully read and understood what the Hauseit Assisted FSBO product is, please choose your region. We have three main regions as of this filming: New York City which is listed in the RE BNY RLS, Long Island which is listed in the Long Island MLS, and the Hudson Valley which is listed in the HGMLS or the Hudson Gateway MLS.

After you have selected the correct region for your listing, please go to the listing page either New York City, Long Island or Hudson Valley and then complete the listing submission form. Keep in mind that all fields marked with an asterisk are required. And how do you submit your photos? Well, in the listing submission form there is a question that asks where your photos are what we kindly ask is for you to choose a free cloud storage provider such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

Many services provide free storage services, simply drop your photos in the cloud storage provider of your choice and send us a link to the photos. Please remember to not have a password necessary to access the photos and if you would like we recommend numbering the photos in numerical order this way, our support team can simply select all and upload your photos and they will automatically be in the order that you label them.

In the listing submission form, you'll also be asked to choose a co-broke or a commission you wish to offer to buyer’s agents. Remember that this figure is contractual and will be entered into your local MLS or RLS for New York City by our partner broker. This commission range will vary and it is up to you but we recommend typically 2 to 3% so that you will offer something competitive and market rate to buy side agents. Again, this figure is up to you and it will vary based on region, norms do vary. For example, in New York City it is customary to see 2.5% to 3%. At 2.5%, you typically won't get push back from buyer's agents 3% is more common but both are acceptable.

However, norms may change in other areas for example further out in the borough's such as Eastern Queens or Southern Brooklyn, you may see lower co-brokes. For example, perhaps 2% or even less or even in the Hudson Valley in Westchester for example you may see 2% more often. So again, norms for co-brokes will vary but it is up to you and you can choose the amount in the listing submission form.

Remember as well to remove any existing For Sale by Owner or For Sale by Agent listings before you proceed with us. If you do have an existing listing up when you list with us well that because syndication issues so please remember to take off any other listings before proceeding. At the bottom of the listing submission page, please choose a flat fee listing package if you already have professional photos and a floor plan then you should simply choose the basic flat fee package.

If you wish to add on professional photos or broker consulting or a floor plan you can also do so directly at the bottom of the listing submission page after you select the listing package that you wish at the very bottom of the listing submission page simply hit submit you will be taken to a another page or you will be asked to check out. Once you have checked out, you will receive a confirmation email and you can expect to receive a flat fee a listing agreement sent later that business day. Keep in mind that our business hours are Monday through Friday from 9 to approximately 5:00 p.m. Eastern time.

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