
JH90: Yes, you can work and homeschool!

JH90: Yes, you can work and homeschool! Through the years I have had SO many people tell me they can’t homeschool because they can’t afford to quit working. But, the reality is SO many moms work and homeschool. Some things my friends do, they work outside the home as an office manager, nurse, professor at the local college, cleaning houses or office buildings, a realtor. They work from home working with VIP KID, Usborne books, blogger, podcaster, VA, graphic designer, writer, editor, and so many more.

I am surprised by the number of moms who DO work and homeschool. The number has really gone up over the last few years. And we are going to tackle this topic on the podcast today.

I don’t regret being a working homeschool mom. I love it. My kids see me work every day, and they know how hard I work to balance my time effectively. They have seen me persevere and reach goals, they have cheered with me when I sold my first eBook, and have listened to me read articles, and blog posts. They also helped me hang business signs and read books to the babies when I ran my in-home daycare. They have come along with me to speaking events, work trips, and more. My businesses have really been family businesses that they have believed in with me.

So, if you are a working mom, I hope this episode encourages you and provides you with more tips to help you have a more joyful homeschool.



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