
Looking for the Planetary System!! The moon is GIGANTIC!!!

Looking for the Planetary System!!  The moon is GIGANTIC!!! Shalom everybody! It's to the point now that people all around the world are starting to see the planets, two moons, two suns, and many things in the skies that not even scientist can explain. Everyone runs around looking for reasons, blaming this or that, instead of realizing that aliens nor humans could do any such thing. The Creator ALONE is bringing these things to our world and the planets are the solar system that came with Nubiru aka the destroyer, lake of fire, planet hell. On this certain day the sky was four or five different colors depending on the direction and at first, while the moon was still low, it was so big that it looked close enough to touch. Things are becoming so obvious that even gentiles are starting to see them. There's not much time left. The Kingdom of the Most High God is near. Repent and return to the Creator.


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