
No Man Left Behind (Trump's Guiding Principle)

No Man Left Behind (Trump's Guiding Principle) Mangy Fetlocks is disgusted with how Donald Trump has perverted the honorable military concept of allowing no man to be left behind, twisting it to now mean that, in accordance with his own code of self interest, all honorable men (and women) will be fired, discredited, slandered, removed from office, or escorted from the White House until there is no one left behind to oppose him. I've added the words below:
No man left behind, There’ll be no man left behind.

Trump’s code of honor is truly such, that there’ll be no man left behind.

Push out any judges who might get in the way,

fill their spots with mindless “holy men”.

Threaten politicians who dare to have their say,

lead that “Lock ‘em up” chant once again,
till there is

No man left behind. No man left behind.

'Til anyone with a spine is gone and there is no man left behind.

Slander those folks duty bound, who try to do what’s right.

Make it seem like they’re the enemy.

Stage some ugly rallies with your hate-filled fans at night

paint the picture that you want them all to see, till there is

No man left behind. No man left behind.

Crush anyone who might disagree till there’s no man left behind

Fire any heroes who might disrupt your plans.

Say they have dishonored all that’s good.

Drum out every analyst who vaguely understands

you would crown yourself as King, if you could, once there is

No man left behind. No man left behind.

just grind ‘em down till they all give in and there’s no man left behind

Learn from those dictators that you’ve so long admired

Discredit all news of what you’ve done.

Label as mere traitors all the honest men you’ve fired.

Get the fools to say that you’re “The Chosen One” till there is

No man left behind. No man left behind.

To reign unchallenged, you must see that there is no man left behind.

One day surely, the tide will turn as folks open their eyes

but if they sit and wait too long, they’re in for a cruel surprise, cause there’ll be

No man left behind, No man left behind

Sycophants, weasels and ball-less fools,

all content to be used as tools.

That’s what’s left once you break all the rules
there will be no man left behind.

copyright 2020, Bruce W. Nelson


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