
NoFap: 9 Ways Porn Will Ruin You (Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan and Terry Crews NoFap Advice)

NoFap: 9 Ways Porn Will Ruin You (Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan and Terry Crews NoFap Advice) Porn addiction will have a huge negative effect on your life. That's why this video will show you the NoFap benefits that Joe rogan, Jordan Peterson and Terry Crews advocated for.
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Pornography is deeply damaging to the human psyche, it's deeply damaging to men, it creates unrealistic expectations.

If you have a son and he's 13 and you know he's gonna be exposed to porn, you almost have a responsibility to talk them through it and just give him some to do some
understanding. Here are the best nofap tips from the legends such as Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson and Terry crews that you should know:

1. Jordan Peterson NoFap Advice: Damage to Emotions
Masturbation makes you feel weaker, makes you feel sad, makes you feel ashamed of yourself. You are like losing your esteem, losing your manhood.

2. Damage to Relationships
Porn leads you to being unfaithful.

3. Joe Rogan NoFap Advice: Desensitization
People don't like to admit that they enjoy porn that vast, well you're not living your life the way you want to so you need a vision of life that's more compelling than the porn and you need a counter vision too that frightens you.

4. Long-Term Consequences
Porn is obviously extraordinarily gratifying in the short term but you seem to be suffering from the medium to long term. Pornography is addictive. It hits the same pleasure centers in your brain as drugs do.

5. Nofap Transformation Effect on Actors
A lot of women thinks that in order for them to be loved by a man, they have to act the way that men are expecting them to act via pornography.

6. Objectification of Woman
It offers immediate gratification but no medium to long-term development of character or life.

7. Temporary Numbing Of The Pain
You have just had this little quick release where you feel good and then back in pain. The pleasure was just getting rid of pain.

8. Terry Crews's Nofap Problem: Lack of Intimacy
It just takes out the intimacy. You are just thinking of yourself, a selfish lover.

9. Descent To Hell
The most common interest among serial killers is pornography.




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