
Purchasing SPF Rigs or Trailers: Other Cost-Saving Considerations

Purchasing SPF Rigs or Trailers: Other Cost-Saving Considerations See how IDI can support you before, during and after your rig purchase, so you can get the most out of your investment and continue to grow your company!

Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Buying or Building Your Rig:
• Does your supplier have a local branch to support you?

Having local support and expertise available can be incredibly important when it comes to troubleshooting equipment failures, replacing parts, or just stocking up on necessary products and materials. Do you have somewhere you can get your PPE, spare parts, chemicals, solvents, etc.?

Choose a local insulation supplier that carries a wide breadth of products and can provide you with fast deliveries to your job site.
• Does your rig supplier have technical support?

Downtime on a job means no money. So, it’s imperative to have a supplier with techs strategically placed across the country to help you when problems do arise. Avoid missed deadlines by having fast, reliable support for every minor issue and large-scale replacement.

It’s also equally important to have a local supplier who can provide on-call expertise, either over the phone or in-person. You’ll save time, money, and resources by having an expert on your side to help you move past any issues fast to avoid costly downtime and missed deadlines.
• Will you get training?

Training can make a world of a difference when it comes to project quality and the longevity of your rig. So, make sure to ask your rig supplier what training will look like for you and your crew.

Ask yourself these important questions:
• Do they offer training when you purchase the rig?
• Does your rig supplier offer training before you purchase the rig?
• What about support after you purchase the rig?
• How IDI Can Support You Before & After Your Rig Purchase?

We’re your partner in insulation for the long haul, not just the rig sale. Before you make any decisions on a rig or trailer, use our mini-series to learn what to look for in a rig and manufacturer and how to save by avoiding bad investments. Once you’re ready to purchase, learn more about our custom rigs:


Let our experts become your partner in insulation. IDI provides insulation equipment, on-call expertise, insulation training, rig tune-ups and much more. We’re here to support your bottom line and expand your expertise and offerings. Learn more about IDI here:

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