

SEXUAL PROGRAMMING IS UTILIZED AGAINST MIND CONTROL VICTIMS USING THE PROCESS OF IMPULSE SEQUENCING SEXUAL PROGRAMMING is not pleasant to write about, but it is important to know about and understand well, as it causes the targeted children who grow up into adulthood many emotional, mental and physical health problems. These horrific scripted mind games of sexual manipulation and abuse of women and children can be opposed and overcome, in many cases, if one knows it is occurring and how it works

With adults any method or technique that lowers a person’s energy level or vitality will make the person more susceptible to mind control manipulation for sexual programming methods

With children, the CIA/DIA Contractors targeting the child need to begin the targeting paradigm with extreme physical and psychological trauma and violence somewhere between three and six years of age, before the core personality of the child has set.  The child is brutalized using extreme trauma to force the core personality of the child to fragment into Alter Personalities, which can then be located with psychological probing techniques and reprogrammed

By constant activation and reactivating of specific sets of the brain waves (rage, lust, fear, paranoia, guilt, etc.) of the mind control victim, which the RNM system remotely captured, held and is perpetually replaying - over and over each day and night in a looping pattern inside the mind of the victim via a bi-directional stream of fabricated and falsified brain wave signals (memories and motivational impulses) in the victims mind - the RNM Supercomputer is able to reinforce those fabricated and falsified (artificial) brain wave patterns over the normal brain waves of the victim thereby REPATTERNING the victims Memory and Thought Process. Victims begin to think different, react differently, etc., to their destruction.

Sexual Programming, is an important element of CIA/DIA Trauma Based Mind Control.

A mind control victim's sexual energy is heavily manipulated in trauma-based mind control because there is a relationship between sexual energy and mind remote neural manipulation. Medical and scientific findings provide data that shows that there is a huge connection between mental functions and sexual functions

Scientists discovered if you could hold the point where the person was about to have an orgasm but not have the orgasm, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind would lock together as one which is why forced orgasms are induced repetitively upon the mind control victim

The mental functions associated with orgasms are replicated and duplicated by injection feedback into the remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation system (supercomputer) and scientists are then able to use those findings for memory erasure and layering in of false memories into an individual, such as the false and fabricated memory of being sexually molested or raped as a child

The more intense and horrific the sexual abuse and terrorization programming is then the easier it is to layer in the mind control and false memories, as the person being tortured becomes super-suggestible

CIA & DoD operatives have also developed neuroprogramming techniques that induce the orgasmic state electronically and hold it there. The person being programmed is thrown into the orgasmic state, and then a huge variety of mind control programs are installed into the individual through post hypnotic suggestion

CIA\DoD have made up the words like "conspiracy theory" and thrown it out into the public to brainwash uneducated people with disinformation (lies) and misinformation (half-truths). These mind control programs are no theory; they are deadly real, especially for the children who are selected for these mind control programs

They sexually torture and traumatize small children between the ages of 3-6 years of age and up to help achieve the fragmentation of their core personality with this type of BETA programming using rape, sexual molestation, etc., because children exposed to this sexual trauma at a very early age, before their core personality develops, are more likely to develop 'Alter Personalities' through artificially induced Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)

Artificial Multiple Personality Disorder is induced into adults and, more easily, children at a young age, because the brain seeks to protect itself from long term extreme physical and psychological trauma and thus begins to fragment from the persons normal core personality to MPD Alter Personalities. 'Alters' are then located and programmed

These rape and sexual molestation experiments on young children are based on Satanic Ritual Abuse and are truly the stuff of nightmares. The horrific torture and sexual abuse of children, also called "satanic ritual abuse", has been a key component in the creation of mind-controlled slaves

Missing children, sexual abuse of children and pedophilia around the world all point to the involvement of an organized network of high-level criminals who covertly operate outside the control the legal system.

Mind Control,Targeted Individuals,MKUltra,Sexual Programming,Remote Neural Monitoring,Remote Neural Manipulation,Organized Stalking,Gas Lighting,Neural Linguistic Programming,CIA,

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