
Super Mario Maker 2 - Custom Course: Yoshi: A Means to an End

Super Mario Maker 2 - Custom Course: Yoshi: A Means to an End So. Here's the one level of mine nobody has bothered to beat yet, but I don't blame them.

Course ID: 14F-08L-6FG

[0:00-2:24] Playthrough
[2:24-3:06] Secret

I didn't actually mean to make this level so unforgiving. I wouldn't really call it a ball-buster either, but the window for errors is excessively small.

The time limit is too strict for what this level asks. It's surprisingly easy to land a Yoshi Egg in the middle of the holes, forcing you to reset the entire room, which you don't have time for. There are also a couple claws too many, even though you can technically skip egging the first and last claws.

The egg launcher near the note blocks is also very inconsistent. I'm still not 100% sure what causes it to stop launching them, but I think 2 is the maximum it'll ever produce, but it sometimes only gives one.

The concept of dev doors is dumb to me, so I added the "secret" as a little gag. It feels like a bit of a cheat whenever someone makes a balls-hard level and the only way they got it uploaded is because they added a cheeky dev secret somewhere. Not really a big fan of super hard levels in general, but I do respect those who make them and actually clear them without resorting to dev doors and the like.

Super Mario Maker 2,SMM2,MM2,Custom,Level,Course,Stage,Nintendo,Switch,Playthrough,Yoshi: A Means to an End,

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