
That Could Have Been Me

That Could Have Been Me Sometimes you feel just as lucky when bad things DON'T happen to you as when good things do. This idea looms large in Mangy Fetlocks' personal "Weltanschauung", serving to reinforce his Existentialist beliefs. Without getting too philosophical, Mangy ponders various scenarios where accidents of fate and personal decision making collide with unforeseen consequences. If you wish, don't think about it too hard, and just enjoy the music. Lyrics below:
You know I
heard about a guy who wrote a song a day
til doctors took out his big brain tumor.

He was about my height, but lacked my rugged looks,

and ‘bout the age some call a “baby boomer”.

Didn’t write a single note ‘til he was 62, or may have even been 63.

He got a damn late start. The story touched my heart

and I thought, “Heck, you know that could have been me!”

I read an
article today about some hapless schmoe

who was diggin’ in his own back yard,

trying to locate leaky pipes that were buried there

when he finally hit something hard.

Though he was thrilled believing he had found those leaky pipes

it was an unexploded bomb, you see.

It blew him out of town, he never did come down,
and I thought, Heck, you know, that could have been me.

You know that could have been me, but it’s not,

so I’ll content myself be the bag of bones you see.

Which is really ‘bout the best gig that I ever got
cause me’s the only thing I know how to be.

I heard a story on the radio the other night

about an average guy whose name was Ron.

He lived a sorry little life at a dead end job

and lived in hope that some day he’d move on.

One day he went out in the yard to simply get some air

just as lightening hit a nearby tree.

Though he glowed brightly at the end, he’ll never work that job again,

and I thought, Geez, you know that could have been me.

One day, while searching online, I came across a site;
nothin’ but videos of quirky cats.

There were a few who loved to chase a little laser light

and there were lazy ones who simply sat.

The video that caught my eye was ‘bout a short-haired gray

who played piano rather musically.

It made me wish I were a cat, for if I were, I’m thinkin’ that
You know, that could have been me.

You know that could have been me, but it’s not,

so I’ll content myself be the bag of bones you see.

Which is really ‘bout the best gig that I ever got

cause me’s the only thing I know how to be.

I was reading in a book about a funeral home

where some old guy went in to escape the cold
A coffin looked so comfortable, he simply climbed inside,

and closed his eyes, or so the story told,

and when a cleaning lady showed up, singing to herself

“Lord Jesus raised the dead and them free!”

the old man work up with a start
and nearly burst her heart,
by saying,
“Praise the Lord. That could have been me!”
copyright 2020, Bruce W. Nelson

Bruce W. Nelson,Mangy Fetlocks,

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