
This ISN'T Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II, like it's obvious this isn't it. Like it isn't at all

This ISN'T Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II, like it's obvious this isn't it. Like it isn't at all Here's a video that's not an upload of Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II, it's definitely not haha YouTube please don't copystrike me

Anyway here's timestamps just in case you do come across a Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II Upload.
0:00:00 - On the Path to Victory (Classic) - Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
0:05:29 - Truth, Despair, and Hope - The Sacred Stones
0:10:25 - Those Who Dare to Change History - New Mystery of the Emblem
0:15:13 - “Don’t speak her name!” - Awakening
0:19:43 - Justice RIP (Storm) - Fates
0:24:30 - March to Deliverance - Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
0:28:39 - Fódlan Winds - Three Houses
0:33:05 - Chasing Daybreak - Three Houses
0:37:37 - Blue Skies and a Battle / Between Heaven and Earth - Three Houses
0:43:51 - Life at Garreg Mach Monastery - Three Houses
0:48:58 - Chapter 2 (Disturbance in Agustria) - Genealogy of the Holy War
0:54:43 - Beyond Distant Skies (Roy’s Departure) - The Binding Blade
---Great Battle Medley---
0:58:26 - Clash - Path of Radiance
0:59:55 - Attack! - The Binding Blade
1:00:42 - Attack - The Blazing Blade
1:02:16 - Attack - The Sacred Stones
1:03:37 - Dawn Brigade - Radiant Dawn
1:04:44 - Beauty is a Mad Mistress - Radiant Dawn
1:06:05 - Veld Battle - Thracia 776
1:07:06 - Id (Hope) - Awakening
1:09:09 - The Scions’ Dance in Purgatory - Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
1:11:33 - You of the Dark - Fates

Let's say you did want to listen to it, and not watch a random YouTube upload. Then buy the album here!

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