For the rest of the videos in this 21 reason series checkout this playlist:
1.) Don’t blame genetics
2.) Your workouts are pathetic
3.) You are not stretching at the bottom
4.) Not holding the stretch for 1 second
5.) Your Bouncing
6.) Not training your tibialis anterior
7.) Your legs aren’t straight when you do standing raises
8.) Too heavy on standing raises
9.) Frequency is to low
10.) You have no pain tolerance
11.) Not going to failure
12.) Volume is to high
13.) You aren’t using high intensity techniques
14.) Doing too much cardio
15.) Stop the nonsense of toes in toes out
16.) Stretch post training
17.) Occasionally do high reps
18.) Not doing explosive work
19.) Prioritizing first in your workouts
20.) Walk around on your tiptoes
21.) You tell me
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#LegWorkout #Calves #JohnMeadows