
Coronavirus and Stepping into Awareness - Pier Giorgio Caselli

Coronavirus and Stepping into Awareness - Pier Giorgio Caselli Can we use the fear to strenghten our presence? Our ability to go with the flow, accept and transcend.. Instead of enduring its energy, reinforcing our worries and resistances?
A simple and powerful practice is here transmitted in 3 essential parts:

1. HONESTY: be honest and fair with ourselves: in other words observe and really be aware of the fear inside me, releasing the conditioning who tells us that fear means being worthless or weak.
2. ACCEPTANCE: welcome fear: if I stop hiding fear from myself, perhaps I can also stop resisting it and, instead of loosing my energy fighting against fear, I could receive its power through an alchemical transmutation
3. SELF INQUIRY: discover if there is a “real self” who is afraid, or in other terms use fear as a self-Inquiry technique (in line with the teachings of the beloved Ramana Maharshi), which can lead us from the person that we believe we are and that we try to improve, to the discovery of the REAL SELF beyond all forms, that we always have been.

It’s possible to take part in live meetings, meditations and silent retreats organized all over Italy (Palermo, Trapani, Napoli, Roma, Firenze, Lucca, Sassari, Cagliari, Torino, Lugano, Milano, Genova, Brescia, Padova, Trieste...).

In Scuolanonscuola’s facebook page (even if you have not joined Facebook you can open the page because it’s an open group) you can find informations, recommended books and hints with practical exercises.
Or WhatsApp msg to 0039.347.3486802

Pier Giorgio Caselli is a physicist and a teacher of the Deep Meditation and Self-Knowledge Association.

Thanks to great masters such as Mariano Ballester and Fabio Romano, in 1996 he founded the Scuolanonscuola (School-non-school) of Meditation and Martial Arts.

He holds meetings and meditation’s retreats, seminars and open and free meetings in schools on subjects as: “Learning to meditate to be happier and more intuitive”, “Mathematics doesn’t teach you just calculations but how to think better”, “The Bardo and the art of dying”, “Pirandello, one, no one and a hundred thousand and the masks that don’t let us truly live”, “Socrates and the true sense of happiness”, “Quantum Physics and the amazing reality of subatomic particles”, “Shakespeare, Leopardi, Whitman and the deep meaning of Love”, “Caravaggio, Picasso and Chagall: the creativity and our perception of the world”. In the hospitals with subjects as “Life beyond death in the ancient traditions of wisdom”, “Meditate to be at peace with oneself and therefore with the world”, “the hidden structure of the man: the physical, astral and mental bodies”, “Bardo and the art of dying” etc…


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