
How Much Money Did I Make Selling Coral at My First Swap? (Part 3)

How Much Money Did I Make Selling Coral at My First Swap? (Part 3) Did I make enough money selling coral at my first frag swap to justify doing it again? What a whirlwind experience. I can see why vendors stress out about selling at swaps now. The easiest part is the selling…the hardest part is figuring out EVERYTHING that needs to happen before the swap.

I sold a wide variety of frags from zoanthids to SPS and leathers to mushrooms! I think having a variety really helped a lot.

Use this list as a loose guide of what you should bring to your first swap. If you’d add anything, please comment below!

My Frag Swap Check List:
Return Pump
Pipe to Divert Flow
Carbon Reactor
Filter Floss
Frag Racks
Frag Bags or Deli Cups
Table Cloth (Check with Venue)
Square or PayPal Card Reader
Change to Break Large Bills
Acrylic Pointers/Dividers/Price Tags
Tubing or Hose to Drain Tank
Buckets to Haul Saltwater
Coral or Transport System
Clean, Pest-Free CORAL FRAGS

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Coral Show,Coral Swap,Frag Swap,Sell Coral,Selling Coral,Selling Coral Frags,Zoanthids,Zoanthid,SPS,Monipora,Leather Coral,Make Money Selling Coral,Fragging Coral,How Much Money I Made,Bahama Llama Coral,Ocean State Aquatics,

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