
Islam vs Christianity Debate: The Choice | Asrar Rashid vs Christians

Islam vs Christianity Debate: The Choice | Asrar Rashid vs Christians By Brother - Asrar Rashid

DISCLAIMER: no one try taking poison!

The audio input wire shortly disconnected between 1:28:54 to 1:29:25. During this time the following was said by Shaykh Asrar Rashid:

“So Christians amongst themselves even to this day cannot definite Trinity. In fact, if you go back to the video, your very definition of Trinity is lost in words that people cannot make any rational sense: meaning what is referred to as the hypostatic union - the technical term - with regards to the Trinity. You mention Ibn Ishaq... Ibn Ishaq is just an early compilation - what you would refer to like an apocrypha - like you know in Bible scholarship, you have higher criticism, you have criticism of the literature. Why are you...”

On Wednesday 19th February 2020, Madinah Society hosted a debate between Shaykh Asrar Rashid and Christian apologetics; Hatun Tash and Caleb Courneloup at The University of Manchester.

The topic of debate was related to choosing a faith between Islam and Christian. Each debater argued reasons for their faith and against the other. Both parties presented 30 minute opening presentations, followed by a rebuttal period of 20 minutes and 10 minutes respectively, after which the floor was open to audience members to question the speakers.

*Request to all to please not abuse or swear in comments, Dawah is to invite not to insult. Jazak Allah Khair

Disclaimer: The views and opinions of partakers in these debates and videos in no way represent the views of SCDawah but are a representation of what takes place at speakers Corner.

#scdawah,hashim,hyde park,mansur,sc dawah,scdawah,sedawah,speakers corner,“#speakers,corner”,“#scdawah”,speakers corner 2020,

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