
Prostatectomy | Surgery Short Video Clip | Medical Education | V-Learning |

Prostatectomy | Surgery Short Video Clip | Medical Education | V-Learning | This sqadia120 - medical short clip for students - of General Surgery is the description of Prostatectomy.

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Prostatectomy is a surgical procedure for the partial or complete removal of the prostate. It may be performed to treat prostate cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Video Duration - 00:01:56
Release Date - October 2019

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Radical prostatectomy is an operation to remove the prostate gland and tissues surrounding it. This usually includes the seminal vesicles and some nearby lymph nodes. Radical prostatectomy can cure prostate cancer in men whose cancer is limited to the prostate.

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Surgeons choose from two different approaches to reach and remove the prostate during a radical prostatectomy. One is a traditional approach known as open prostatectomy. The other, more recent approach is minimally invasive. There are two minimally invasive procedures used in radical prostatectomy: Laparoscopic prostatectomy and robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. Cancer of the prostate is a common and serious health concern. There are different ways to achieve the goal of removing the prostate gland when there's cancer.

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General Surgery v-learning,Prostatectomy Surgery Short Video Clip Medical Education V-Learning,surgery short video clip medical education v-learning,surgery video clip medical education v-learning,surgery clip medical education v-learning,surgery medical education v-learning,surgery education v-learning,Prostatectomy Surgery Clip Medical Education V-Learning,prostatectomy surgery clip education v-learning,prostatectomy education v-learning,general surgery medical students,

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