
QI Skills with Dr Laura Jana: Nurture the Skills that Will Shape Your Child's Tomorrow

QI Skills with Dr Laura Jana: Nurture the Skills that Will Shape Your Child's Tomorrow ***Many thanks to Dr Laura Jana for being our guest!***
Dr Jana talks to Paul (PhD) about her revolutionary approach to raising children who will be prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow. It’s time to train our children in the skills that best realize their humanity and which will be most valued in the (further) machine-assisted and computer-enhanced future. These are skills that defy computer-based learning and which are geared to collaboration, context-sensitivity, tenacity, and innovation. To differentiate these skills from the standardly trained skills that might be used to measure IQ, Dr Jana terms these crucial abilities “QI skills”.
In this video, Dr Jana explains that, according to the latest neuroscience, the QI skills see their greatest opportunities for development in a child’s first five years of life. She explains what the seven sets of QI skills are, and provides practical guidance and advice for how you can ensure that your children effectively develop their QI skills—skills that, incidentally, will enable them to live happy, healthy and meaningful lives while also being competitive in the industries of tomorrow.
Dr Jana is a pediatrician, educator, health communicator and an award-winning author. She is currently an Associate Research Professor at Penn State’s Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center, and was most recently Director of Innovation in Public Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Dr Jana is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has been invited to present at venues spanning from local, state and national pediatrics, education and early education conferences to the US Chamber of Commerce, the TED stage, and the annual meeting of The World Bank.

Books by Dr Jana (
The Toddler Brain: Nurture the Skills Today that Will Shape Your Child’s Tomorrow

By Dr Jana and Jennifer Shu:
Heading Home With Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality, 3rd Edition
Food Fights: Winning the Nutritional Challenges of Parenthood Armed With Insight, Humor, and a Bottle of Ketchup

Children’s Books by Dr Jana (and Julia Cook):
It’s You and Me Against the Pee… and the Poop, Too!
Jumping into Kindergarten
Melvin the Magnificent Molar!
Amazing Me! It’s Busy Being 3!


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