
Quiet citizen MENDING PHYSICAL HEALTH ISSUES brought on by others when my neighbours - READ BELOW

Quiet citizen MENDING PHYSICAL HEALTH ISSUES brought on by others when my neighbours - READ BELOW Julie-anne Breen, actress, etc here and quiet citizen, suffering yet again. I've been trying to get on the mend from physical health problems (thyroid which can affect so much) brought on by others, when my sporadic neighbours who are SEVERELY DEMENTED and MUCKRAKING TROUBLEMAKERS, 40-something, egotistical to the point of grand illusion started their conspiracies/accusations yet again. I wish I could say something nice about them, being a Christian, but I've given them every chance to change over the years, but to no avail. These are people who have threatened my life over the years, including saying they'd threaten my international flights they somehow knew I'd be taking. I told several people about their threats, including a lawyer. I did not go to the police, as I try not to go to the police as much as I can help it.

Their accusation was that I was shouting at their child, and they threatened me with the police. I have nothing to do with their child nor them. They never cease. I've felt like I could drop dead several times from theirs and others antics!!

I believe these people describe me as themselves (it's dementia) and I know their marriage broke up because she was doing that to me and telling him her behaviour was mine, BUT they are both that way anyway, so I don't understand why they'd break up but then again, they're insane, so two in the house is difficult, yes.

Can you imagine being accused of something you have nothing to do with or did not do? Can you imagine these people wanting to completely alter your entire life. I'm 55. They're in their 40's and my relatives are in their 80's and are not well mentally. My relatives, due to their mental instability are not supportive - they are back and forth, back and forth; very difficult. Peas in a pod, all of them. It's been earthly hell.

If I made a decent living, I wouldn't be here at all at this address from time to time. This was never my plan. It's like being thrown into the fire sometimes. People have been hindering my life and livilihood for years - EVIDENTAL FACT.

I decided to stop talking unless I had to in life twice recently, and then I'm accused of shouting at a little brat I've barely laid eyes on in a couple of years.

I've been in this house 3 weeks and am leaving in about 2 weeks, what the heck!

WHAT IS THE CRIME HERE BUT THEIR OWN!! And I don't think shouting at a child is a crime, but it would, of course, depend on the situation. Did an Eastern brown snake slither past the brat and I shouted he get out of the way??? NO. Just the other day, I called out to the neighbourhood about one of their children being left in a car on a hot day! No one cared!

These people have shouted or called out to me or made comments and other bizarre behaviour for years, and the mother has groomed the child to do the same thing. Hedons enjoying erupting my peace.

The other day I heard them admit as they walked past our property, they're mentally ill. I know the type too well, then their other personalities and denials arrive and it's hellish to deal with.

I have a mile of evidence against these people. The local police direct number is on my phone and for quite some time!

*****Could they contact the police or send me a civil suit and I'll happily put them away and counter sue in a civil suit for everything they own!! Is their child hallucinating like they are - which one of them made the assertion I shouted at him? HE screamed at me, under their abusive guidance this past weekend when I was inside the house with the balcony door open, and that is the TRUTH.


Julie-anne Breen, actress, etc (and in need of better acting roles and major productions and salary)!!


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