
VEGAN CORDON BLEU (easy) RECIPE + How to replace veal meat (more tender than vegan chicken)

VEGAN CORDON BLEU (easy) RECIPE + How to replace veal meat (more tender than vegan chicken) So how to make vegan cordon bleu? So we use vegan ham and vegan cheese. For the veal arround this we used wholemeal flour chickpea flour and spices to get the tender adn rich flavour to make vegan veal meat. The cordon bleu alegedly find its root for the inspiration of swiss snitzel and can be eaten with salad , potatoes, cooked vegetables or whaterver you have :)

As for the ingredients (for 4 people so 4 cordon bleu):
FOr the vegan veal meat
- 2 full cups of wholemeal flour
- 2 full cups of cooked chickpeas
- 2 bouillon cubes
- 2 tea spoons of mappel sirup
- 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
- 1 tea spoon of kardamomum herbs
- 1 teaspoon of cumin
- Some salt (and peper)

For the rest

- storebough vegan ham and cheese

-breadcrumbles (from old bread)


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