
Buttigieg Says Medicare For All “Infringes” On Our Freedom In Disgusting New Ad

Buttigieg Says Medicare For All “Infringes” On Our Freedom In Disgusting New Ad Pete Buttigieg’s campaign is running a disgusting new ad directly calling out both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and their support for Medicare For All. Buttigieg in the ad says that the program would infringe upon our freedoms. What freedoms? The freedom to die from a lack of healthcare? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why Buttigieg is nothing but a corporate shill and can’t be trusted.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

So a couple of weeks ago, mayor Pete Buttigieg released in ad a minute long ad titled makes more sense and this ad was specifically attacking Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and their support for a Medicare for All program here in the United States. Bernie Sanders, obviously a little more involved and a committed to the Medicare for All idea. Elizabeth Warren has occasionally kind of a, you know, been back and forth on it, but she says she does support it. So Buttigieg wanted to go after these folks and he wanted people to know according to this ad that Medicare for All is going to infringe upon your freedoms here in the United States. Now, Buttigieg himself did not make that claim. That claim was made in the ad with a clip from CNN analyst, Joe Lockhart, but they felt it was powerful enough to include it in this ad because they believe, I guess that Medicare for All does infringe upon your freedoms.
And to that, I just have one question, mayor Pete, what freedom is that? The freedom. I have to not purchase my kids, their EpiPens for their severe nut allergies because I can't afford $1,300 for the two. That's the freedom I have right now, and that's a freedom. I'm living with the freedom. I have to not be able to go to the doctor to find out why I can't get rid of this cough after five weeks because that's a freedom I have and that's a freedom I'm currently living with or the freedom of people to have to travel to Canada to be able to buy insulin, the freedom of people to choose. You know what? I think I need to eat food and therefore I can't afford my prescriptions. Or how about the freedom, and this is one few people talk about on this issue, the freedom to be stuck at a crappy job that you hate, but you're too afraid to leave it because then you lose your health insurance may or Pete.
Those are the freedoms that the corporate for profit healthcare industry has given us today, and those are the worst freedoms anybody could ever have. Here's a couple of quotes. These are from mayor Pete in this ad. "Medicare for All Who Want It" is different than Medicare for All because this gives Americans a choice and those choices are the ones I just mentioned. If you prefer a public plan like Medicare, like I think most Americans will, you can choose it, but if you prefer to keep your private insurance, you can. I trust Americans to make our own decisions regarding the type of healthcare that makes the most sense for each of us in our families. Listen up, mayor Pete, I know you're a bit of a corporate shill here, but the truth is most Americans have no choice whatsoever in their insurance. The choices, you either have it or don't.

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