The BJP-Shiv Sena dispute, festering since the Maharashtra election results 15 days ago, worsened considerably after Devendra Fadnavis resigned as Chief Minister on Friday, hours before the deadline for government formation was to end. Each accused the other of lying about a "50:50" arrangement that the Shiv Sena says was discussed with BJP president Amit Shah earlier this year. But both parties said the alliance was not over yet.
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Elections 2019,Maharashtra Assembly Elections,BJP-Shiv Sena,Maharashtra government,Devendra Fadnavis resigns,ndtv 24x7,fadnavis,Maharashtra,shiv sena vs bjp,alliance of bjp and shiv sena,resign,resignation,fadnavis resigns,maharashtra government formation,aaditya thackeray,thackeray for cm,fadnavis speech,fadnavis to media,Uddhav Thackeray to media,uddhav thackeray,