
GOP Tried, Failed to Deny Trump’s Undeniable Ukraine Pressure - News

GOP Tried, Failed to Deny Trump’s Undeniable Ukraine Pressure  - News Thanks for watching my video.
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Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use ( Twitter liked the bow tie. Or a lot of it did. Senior State Department official George P. Kent, one of today’s two impeachment-hearing witnesses, not only donned said accessory but added a matching pocket square, a move generally deemed gauche by style advisers but widely applauded today on Resistance Twitter. This only goes to strengthen the rule that the quirks of your team are endearing and the quirks of the opposing team are repellent. As one impeachment-supporting Lalalinder tweeted, “That bowtie is hot AF,” while a Trump supporter found that Kent’s “douchebag bow tie makes me want to vomit.” You could say the hearings went the same way. Liberals felt Donald Trump got buried, while MAGA Republicans felt Democrats scored an own goal. Still, while no side could boast any great victory, the setup favored the impeachers over the impeached. Also, one of the witnesses, acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, testified today that E.U. Ambassador Gordon Sondland had told an aide that “Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden” than he cared about Ukraine. This is new, and it strengthens the claim that Trump’s foreign policy was being driven by domestic partisanship. So Democrats came out ahead. At the same time, their digging also looks likelier to uncover collateral matters that make no one look good. One of the biggest problems facing Republicans today was that they were, in effect, attempting to deny the undeniable: that Donald Trump had placed pressure on Ukraine to do something in return for being granted financial assistance. They tried pointing out that Trump eventually released the money and that Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has denied being under pressure. But the trouble is that the money seems to have come only after Ukraine learned that the aid was on hold, that an Oval Office meeting had also been at stake, and that Zelensky, like anyone with a death-penalty-eligible level of intelligence, knows better than to say something certain to anger a president whose goodwill is a life-or-death matter. When Republican John Ratcliffe kept repeating that if Democrats want to impeach Trump, “they have to call President Zelensky a liar to do it,” it was one of the dumber interludes in a day that otherwise offered some serious competition. Hearing chair Adam Schiff had an easy time rebutting it. Republicans also made a bad call trying to bash Democrats by demonizing the witnesses. Yes, Kent wore a provocative bow tie ensemble, but that marked the limit of any overt aggression. His fellow witness, Bill Taylor, was even harder to knock. Taylor’s voice is that of an earnest grandfather, and his demeanor is about as Bronze Star as they come. Taylor kept insisting he was just there to answer ques

impeachment,politics,donald trump,

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