Then God said, “Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Didn't I love you enough
Didn't I give you enough
Wasn't I there for you love
Was it too less for you love
Or was it too much for you
When I stretched out My arms for you
Ripped out My heart for you
What else should I give to you
When My love reached the moon and the stars
Made them all shine for you
Made the birds sing for you
Made the trees dance for you
Tell me how do you want Me to?
How can u ask Me to?
Give you more
when you dont even see Me
Don't even feel Me
Say you don't need Me
Rather replace Me
With somebody else
you betrayed Me you
Again and again
Gave you chance after chance
Still you come back, then leave Me
Promise then break Me
Push me then hold Me
Pick me up then u throw Me
in to the darkness
In to the sea
Like you dont know Me
You say we ain't made for each other
You say we can't go any further
Tell Me
Who do you want Me to be?
To not turn your back on Me
Please don't turn ur back on Me
Don't turn your back on Me
Cant you see?
You're just like Me
You're just like Me
Wanna reach you
Wanna break all the chains
You don't listen
You dont trust in My plans
You said we aint made for eachother
But I gave you life with My breath
made you Just like I AM
My reflection
My friend
I was broken
When you chased for another
Cried an ocean
When you cried for another
Heard you curse at My name
Why its Me that you blame?
For the choices you make
For the steps that you take
without Me
Just don't turn your back on Me
Can't you see?
You're just like Me
You're just like Me